The Ultimate Police Station Finder

FuzzBuzzz... the new GPS NON EMERGENCY Police Locator App. Sometimes you need to phone Law Enforcement, but you know it's not an emergency! FUZZBUZZZ is the perfect app that connects you to the NEAREST POLICE STATION, wherever, whenever, FAST, with minimal handset use anywhere in the United States!! It also displays your exact location so you can give the Police an address or GPS coordinates. Download it and keep it on your homepage... because you never know when you'll need to Buzz the Fuzz!

About FuzzBuzzz!

I’m sure everyone has experienced times when they know they should have called the Police, but because it’s such an arduous job you just…. keep it movin’. I’ve seen people dangerously tagging Freeway signs at 3am, kids hanging from a light pole, large obstructions on the road creating a hazard, drunks on the street, and many other situations is which I chose to look the other way because I didn’t know what city I was in or couldn’t give the Police an exact location which is the first question they ask. I also did not know who to call to get the right phone number for the closest Police station. Even 411 wants to know…what city?!  OnStar takes forever, and still can’t help you give them location information unless you specifically know to ask.

Figuring in 2013 there must be an app to simplify the process I searched and searched, but it didn’t exist. I wanted a simple app that I could place on my homepage and in a few clicks be connected to the nearest Police Station no matter where I was, either while driving, out of town, or just down the street. So I was inspired to create it.

Once I decided this was something worth investing in, and could help allot of people; things happened rather quickly. I posted my need for a Developer of Facebook, a girlfriend recommended Urs, and a month later FuzzBuzzz is a reality.

We are hoping that people find our little app useful, and encourage their teens to download it as well.

Sharena Walker, Owner

Urs Brauchl, Programmer




